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Renne Toney:
Lifting & Dancing

by Peter's Videos

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Renne Toney Miss Universe 2004. Renne has immense 20" biceps and puts them to very good use lifting lovely blond Linda. Lots of lifts like overhead press three times, including Renne walking arount the room with Linda pressed overhead. Linda is bench pressed also. Cradle carries. Linda is sitting on a chair with her legs crossed and Renne picks her up, chair, and all.

Then Renne likes to dance! What a terrific dancer she is. Renne picks up Linda and dances with her on her shoulder several times. Renne picks up the end of a sofa Linda is sitting on, and causes Linda to roll off the end.

Lots more dancing and Renne teases Linda with her huge muscles.

(31 minutes - 230 megs)

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